

I'm back.
Starting from Monday right? Yeah. Went to school in the morning to do PW with Gwen, Shobha and Nicole. Didn't end up doing much, but we did get the script going and stuff...yeah. Oh and apparently this thousand dollar machine in the science labs broke down, so Gwen's SRP group couldn't do...well...their science research? Went home. Slacked the rest of the day.
TUESDAY-FRIDAY! was SLC!!! Firstly, I must say that I hope I never have to go to HCJC because it is super big and you can get really really lost because everywhere looks the same. And if I did go there anyway, my dad would kill me, my mum would love me and they would argue to no end. Did I ever tell you how my mum was from HCJC but my dad-NJC? Yeah, well they fight about which is better. As in for fun. ANYWAY. Yeah, the first day of SLC was really cool. In the morning, Yolanda and I couldn't find each other (because we were at different bus stops). After some time, we got to the clock tower, met all the SC girls there, waited for Gaya, then we went to register bla bla... I was in Velorum! And my group was great and we had a lot of fun at the orientation games:) I don't have much time left so I won't elaborate, but thank you everyone! Second, third day was all about our action papers, my group got health--clinical depression and lack of medical funding. And on the fourth day, was the grand finale! which was awesome! Our Youth Council put up a dance cum I-don't-know-what performance. And there was lots of singing and cheering and shouting! Sad that it had to end:(
Sat, Paper planes writing competition. Quite boring really. I think it was more of an advert for the centre. WG--we played this very fun game. Carrying people. haha. Service as usual, planning for outreach.
Played keys on Sunday. The piano is dying, it goes soft loud soft loud. And Sunbeam got a new guitar! It's really nice. (I wish I had an acoustic. Classicals are easier to play, but the sound. bleah). Got really wet in the rain with Faith on the way to BPP. Shopping at Robinsons at night. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate shopping? no? It's terrible. It's tiring. It's torturous. Epecially when my mum presures me to DECIDE! BUY THIS ONE! NOT THAT ONE!


So yesterday, I cleaned up my cupboard. Now it's so neat that other neat-freaks could never dream of rivalling me. I did math. I asked grandpa for help at night, but then ended up solving it myself. Typical. And so I wasted Grandpa's time.
Have to get the boys up now. Baby-sitting yet again. Mum's at work, Ruth-- tuition, and why am I telling you this?
To end off, looking back on these past two weeks everything has just seemed so surreal. I look back and go, hey! I did that? I went there? And when I'm actually doing things, it's like I'm having and out-of-body experience. It's odd and strange and scary. And I'm worried I'm going mental.
Going to Bintan for 4 days. Don't miss me