
Hello again. I feel like being really lame now. So let me tell you my famous swine flu joke: AIR PORK. Get it? Swine FLEW??????? Oh man, it's soooo funny.
Anyway, yes, I just came back from Bintan, well, technically 3 days ago. And I'm as dark as an indian! Haha, that was a joke too. Get it? I AM a little indian! hahahahaha. Never mind, the swine flu one was better. So well, yeah, it was fun. The usual. Except I noticed that there were a lot of mixed blood kids around. Always half ang moh and half Asian. Pretty cool. And well, compared to the first time we went to Mayang Sari, which was 7 years ago!!!, it's really run down now! And on the first day, I saw a cockroach in the toilet and I didn't dare bathe. Dad killed it. And had to tell me it was a BABY. And you know if it's a baby, there has to be a MOTHER around. Ugh. So anyway, because Ruth was TOO CHICKEN to bathe first, I did. It was rather uneventful, besides the fact that I couldn't find the towels when they were above my head. Now, that was funny. Well, you know, went to beach and stuff everyday. First day I didn't go into the water at all. I was sick before the trip, had fever, and so I still didn't feel too good. Dad had it too. I'm not going to spell out what happened to us everyday, but one of the things I remember are the jellyfish. We saw one in the shallows at the Mayang Sari beach side, and the man at Mana Mana told us that someone had got stung. Oh, we went jet skiing. Dad let me drive it this time, I think he thought that I was really slow, cause he was like "You can go faster you know" over and over again. But it was different for Ruth. Apparently, she'll die of a heart attack/stroke AND she'll be in a car crash at the same time. Dave is gonna die of a heart attack too cause he eats so much butter that it'll clog up his arteries and he'll die. Really, it's disgusting the way he spreads an entire packet of butter on just one piece of bread. My siblings never fail to gross me out. And I'm really proujd of myself. I can beat BOTH my siblings when they come at me together at unarmed combat. We were fist-fighting (literally) in the swimming pool. I was on the defensive side and I didn't hit anyone. Till they tickled me. Cause I realise that I have uncontrollable spasms an jerks when someone tickles me. Well, on the last day we went kayaking. Rather just us girls. The boys went fishing. Ruth got tired really fast. So the rest of the time was just mum and me. I really really love love love love kayaking. I love the way you push you right oar into the water, drag it, pull it up while twisting the pole to get it into position for the left stroke. And the way the oars just slice through the water. Beautiful.
I don't think I have to elaborate on my sandfly bites. At least I don't have 40+ this time. But this time all mine are reacting, but no pus so no worries. Yeah, all you wimps out there are probably going, "Ewww!!!" But what can I say? I'm allergic to them, and I'm not PROUD of them getting all swollen and pus-sy like they're infected. Okay, I should get down to the GINORMOUS, GIGANTIC, GARGANTUAN amount of chinese hw my lao shi's class has.