
my grammar in the last post was bad, pardon me. But guess what, people! I PASSED MY CHINESE TEST! thank God man. I remember last year I failed my first one but this time I got 22/40. Ahaha! i hope I'll get like a B4 of something. Not sure if I'll pass overall though. Cause like I failed one compo, failed almost all, okay fine, ALL my compre close etc... but I passed my test, so I won't spoil the moment.
School's been crazy. Saturdays have been crazy. But I think I've started out this term pretty well! yeah, after all, optimistic is supposed to be my middle name, just that my dad forgot to write it in my birth cert and so it isn't in my name and..... :)
Well, I need to go chop garlic.... so, good for term 2 to anybody reading this! Stay optimistic! haha